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PRSC House League Academy

Program Overview

PRSC House League Academy is designed for current PRSC House League players who want the opportunity to train with professional PRSC coaches to improve their skills and play MORE soccer. PRSC HLA is optimal for:

  1. Families that have a player with the potential for PRSC Travel that are not yet ready for the Travel commitment.
  2. Players that want to increase their technical and tactical soccer skills regardless of competition level by leveraging professional PRSC Travel Coaching.
  3. Players who want to play more soccer concurrent with the PRSC Fall House season in an enjoyable and constructive environment.

PRSC HLA is supervised and directed by PRSC Travel Coaches providing professional instruction, feedback, and guidance to players.

Winter 2025 Session

Eligible Players: Current PRSC House League players born in the years 2016 - 2019
Dates: Sundays, January 12th through March 9th (no sessions Sunday, 1/19, 2/16, and 2/23 - 6 total sessions)
1/12, ,2/2, 2/23, 3/2, and 3/9  sessions - 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
1/26 session - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Centennial Fitness Center, South Gym (1515 W. Touhy Ave., Park Ridge IL 60068)
Cost: $125
Registration can be completed here: 

PRSC House League Academy Winter 2025